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Please submit using the online application form on the open call page,

You can also send in work via CuratorSpace

Please ensure, before submitting, you read our GUIDELINES below and refer to the theme for the month you submit to:





We accept all types of work (text, audio, video, visual, ephemeral, surprise us). Please make sure when selecting your files you are sending the highest quality version you have available. 


We welcome texts and work in all languages, but please also provide an English translation (the texts will be featured side-by-side)


We publish all work as is. We create each publication several days before the end of the month (as is in line with the deadline for each month) therefore we do not return drafts for further work. 


Before submitting work to be featured in the MASS, we ask that you read, and make sure you agree with the following:


I.  Please submit work that you are happy to publish. We welcome works in progress, half-finished thoughts, drafts and re-imaginings. However, please make sure you are happy for your submission to be published online and for other people to see it. Details of personal data included in the publication can be found in our Privacy Policy


II. Please submit work that is yours to submit. If you are submitting work with multiple authors/creators, please ensure that everyone is happy for the work to be featured in the MASS. If any dispute arises over the authorship/permissions of a work (whether text, image, video, etc.), it will have to be removed from the publication. By submitting work to us, you are confirming that you have the necessary permissions to submit the work to be shared. For works featuring nudity, by submitting via the Google Form, CuratorSpace, or Email, you are confirming that anyone featured in the work is 18 years of age or older. Please note that works containing nudity, and with adult themes, are regularly featured in the publication. You may wish to take this into consideration when submitting.


III. Please submit work in the spirit of openness. We aim to create a space for creativity, conversation, and provide a platform for art as activism. We welcome work which is inflammatory, poignant, difficult, and obscure. However, submissions which are deliberately discriminatory (in whatever capacity), which undermine the autonomy of others, or which cause harm to those who are vulnerable, will not be published.


Submissions can be withdrawn at any time, before publication. If you wish to withdraw your work from publication after the publishing date (last day of each month), please contact us directly at the address below. By submitting to the MASS, you are indicating your consent to our holding your email address (se we can contact you!) and any other personal data you may provide (ie Name, Contact details), and to the subsequent publishing of your name alongisde your work (if selected for publication) as detailed in our privacy policy.


If you do not agree to the above, please do not submit.


The Mass has now moved to quarterly publication, please check the open call for the corresponding deadline. 

For large files we recommend Swiss Transfer it's free, and can send up to 50GB!


For any questions, contact us at



Site © Henry McPherson, Maria Sappho 2020

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